Sunday, November 21, 2010

Checkin' in...

Hello all...just a quick update on my life thus far in Galway, Ireland. To be honest not much has happened because I have been working at the pub for 10 days straight (ugh, I know). Yes, I know I'm not here to work like crazy rather love life and I promise that's still my intention. I want to work many hours up till the holidays and then maybe I'll cut back a bit on hours after the New Year so then I can take some time here and there to go do some traveling around Europe and Ireland. I'm settling in well with work and even though I've been there just over a month, I trained a new server yesterday.
I'm also experiencing my first cold & flu in Ireland which has not been particularly fun but wasn't expecting it to. I have realized having a flu here in Ireland is much worse because I was a spoiled child back home where my mom would take care of me and I would have Chelsea (my pup) by my side. So, when you're far away from home, your entire body aches, you're stuffed up and don't have the energy to make any food or do anything at all...the feeling of being lonely and also homesick settles in. Fortunately and unfortunately I had work to keep me occupied but also drained what little energy I had left out of me as well. My coworkers and managers at work were great and gave me longer breaks and sent me home first when things started to die down at work. Yesterday, I definitely hit the 'inner funnel' of the cold so even though I got sent home a bit early, it was a long day and I was so happy this morning when I woke up well-rested and realized I had the day off.
Today, I have to finish organizing the flat as I had zero time this week, finally finish unpacking (I know, crazy that I haven't yet), pick up some last few things to complete the place and tidy up. Jonny gets here on Tuesday afternoon and because I booked Tues-Fri off to show him around and relax, they booked me all day Monday to work so everything must get done today pretty much. I'm taking the bus Tuesday morning over to the airport and then I don't have to go back to work till Saturday afternoon. Oh joy, oh rapture. :)
So, that's about it thus far. We might try to squeeze a day in at the Cliffs of Moher this week as the weather has been pretty nice (clear and sunny today) but I know that I'm here for a year so there's no rush either. It's starting to look a lot like Christmas around here (minus the snow) as you've likely seen from some of the pics I have posted with all the Christmas decorations and so forth. There is a big Christmas market that I might go visit today if time permits but it's up till Christmas Eve too so I've got some time.

Hope everyone back home is doing well and feel free to write or email anytime.

Miss you all very much...xo

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