Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tip #7 - Capture everything

I'm trying to get better at posting so I'm aiming to do one post per week as I work usually 5 out of 7 days and the two days I have off, I'm trying to do fun things around the city. For example, Carlee and I both had Tues/Wed off this week so we did some grocery shopping and were tourists during the day taking pics of the city and coastline. I'll be posting those pics soon for sure because I want to ensure that everyone back home can see how I'm capturing almost every moment throughout my adventures. I know I haven't really posted many pics yet in terms of Ireland but, unlike the Cdn girls here, I haven't had a chance to do any tours. I guess it's the 'planner' in me where I wanted to station myself first somewhere, establish some roots and income and then I can start planning some road trips and tours around Ireland and parts of Europe. I keep reminding myself that I AM here for a year so there's no rush. Plus - Jonny is going to be here in less than two weeks so I figure we could do some tours together as the girls have already done a lot of touring around parts of Ireland.
Rachelle, Carlee and I went to our first official Ireland rugby game. Our home team is called the Connacts and even though they aren't ranked high in the standings right now (10th out of 12 teams?) the hometown pride and support is very strong...much like the Leafs in Toronto but less embarrassing. (Go HABS!) It was a pretty cold night but Carlee and I bought some Connact toques, got ourselves some Connact scarves right before we entered the stadium, layered up and had some Guiness to keep us somewhat warm. Rachelle, being an ex-Canadian rugby player was teaching us all the rules and lingo throughout the game. She even managed to catch the gameball when it went over the sidelines and kept a hold of her beer too! Such a true Canadian girl right there and we were all so proud! After the game we went down to Skeffs, a popular pub in town, because with our ticket stubs we got a free pint. After that we headed to our favourite pub - the Spanish Arch - hoping to hear the live Irish band that's always playing but they were just jamming in the corner and not on stage. It was still a good night and naturally we saw some 'interesting' sights at Supermacs (Irish version of Mc Donalds) filled with many intoxicated students and such as usual. 
The weather has been all over the place this week. Pretty much the weather changes literally every few minutes. On my two days off, I woke up to it being sunny and clear and by the time I went upstairs to get myself a cup of coffee and some breakfast, it was grey and misty. Its been really windy lately in the last couple of nights too so many of the restaurants (including our bar) and the nightlife hasn't been very busy. Oh well - thus is Ireland weather and, although I miss the snow in Canada and definitely will at Christmas, I can't complain too much about the weather here as it's pretty mild. It reminds me a lot of BC (Vancity) where it's just a really damp cold and misty precipitation.
I guess the biggest news lately is that I have my OWN flat now!...well, till Jonny moves in in a few weeks but still very super exciting as it will be nice to have a friendly face around!  The place is great and I'm still slowly unpacking. It's two floors (located on top of a tailor shop) with two bedrooms, a tiny European bathroom including a claustrophobic shower,  an open-concept kitchen/dining/living room, and a large balcony facing a quaint backyard. I did my first load of laundry last night (washer is located in my kitchen where a dishwasher would be). I also hosted my first dinner last night (no, takeout at 3am from Mc Donald's with the girls on my first night doesn't count). Carlee's mom sent her a care package that included some KD (Kraft Dinner) so we had a 'carbalicious' night with pizza, KD, garlic bread, brie and veggies. Dessert? Rachelle brought pie...mmm. We were literally lying on the floor digesting for a good few hours after.
Other than that, I'm just trying to relax here and there and get things slowly organized in the new flat. Jonny is coming in less than two weeks so it will be super exciting to have a someone to share some of my journey with and also the monthly bills....just kidding. :) I'll send a post soon as to when new pics are uploaded to my Flickr account.

Must get some sleep as it's almost 2am now and  I have to open tomorrow at work which includes a 10-hr shift....ouch.

Miss you all very much. xo

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