Monday, March 14, 2011

Jetlag Recovery, Waitress of the year and 'Green' Week

I'm trying to get better at blogging more because I know I've been pretty poor at it lately. I can't promise much excitement in my posts as, between work and my days off to relax, I don't have many exciting events in my life. My goal is to do a lot of fun things in the summer and 'love life' so for right now, I'm just going to work a lot and save up more for my 'summer of loving life' piggy bank.

Currently it's just about 3am on Monday evening and I'm about to turn in for the night. Seems crazy that I'm up late but this is quite the norm for me as I don't have a 9-5 job anymore and I don't have to work till 1230p tomorrow. I'm still adjusting back to Ireland time which is not fun because I've felt like a zombie in the last few days or so at work. Losing 5 hours in time difference is not fun and even though I only spent 7 days in Canada, re-adjusting myself back to Ireland time is a slow process. Luckily, my manager was nice enough to grant me my requested days off this week and then some. I had originally booked off March 17th and 18th (hm....I wonder why?) and then after he saw that I was struggling with recovering with catching up to the time zone differences, he granted me an additional day off...March 19th. Which is PERFECT because the final match for the Six Nations Rugby is on that day - Ireland vs England. If you don't keep up with world rugby - the Six Nations is like the FIFA Cup or the Stanley Cup Playoffs for rugby...and a VERY big deal here. I was working at the pub this past Saturday when Ireland was up against Wales and the place was beyond packed and I almost lost my cool a few times. Not like me...I know but with a combination of a packed house, trying to weave in throughout people who are glued to the screen (and their pints) with hot plates of food or full trays of drinks and they don't budge even when you say 'Excuse me!' gets a little say the least. That being said, as of this Wednesday I will have put in 65 hours of work in 7 days since my return from Canada. That's 30 extra hours than I usually put into a regular work week but I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel - or the pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow as the Irish would put it. In my case, it would be the pint of Guiness at the end of my shift on Wednesday. I'm supposed to be done by 5p on Wednesday which allows me a few hours to rest up before I start up the pre-Paddy's Day festivities (yes, us Canadians are going to start Wednesday night - it's the Canadian/Irish way I would like to think!).

So, my days off start on Thursday (17th) but I don't think I'll be sleeping in much because I want to get a hearty breakfast, hit the St. Paddy's Day Parade here (which starts at 1230p) and then try to hit a few pubs. I've been asking all week to my fellow Galwegians/coworkers the best places to go and what to do on the big day and they just said - hit up the pubs and find a seat and stay there because I believe by afternoon every place is packed till the wee hours of the morning. I'm hoping it's a nice sunny day but like a typical Irish person, I do expect the unexpected with the weather here. I've heard it will be nice, heard it will rain (shocker) but some are saying it might snow (no thank you!). But, either way, I don't think anything will rain on my parade (no pun intended) in terms of the fact that I will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day IN Ireland - a definite 'check' on my bucket list. :)

I guess that's about it for now...I don't know if I'll be posting again till after St Paddy's day (or whenever I recover) but I hope to have some fun pics to post and I have some pics still to post from when I was back in Ontario.

Until then, I wish everyone a safe and Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Duit from Galway, Ireland and a speedy post-Paddy's Day recovery. G'night!

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