Friday, March 11, 2011

While in transit...

NOTE: Apologies for the delayed post of below. I'm still catching up from jet lag and working 45 hours within 5 days doesn't leave much time to do much other than sleep/eat....if even. 

Monday, March 7th, 2011
So, I'm sitting in O'Hare Airport, Chicago waiting to connect to my flight to Dublin, Ireland. Unfortunately, the US is not as giving as Canadians and Irish people are when it comes to free Wifi access so I'm typing this up now and will post it later when I have access to wifi. It might not get posted till I get back to Galway but at least I am recording something now. Things I have discovered in Chicago airport thus far - like Heathrow, you have to take transit to get to your connecting terminal (luckily I have a few hours in between flight and they have a train that takes you from terminal to terminal, not a very delayed shuttle bus), eat before you go through security as there's NOTHING on the other side where the gates are, 95% of all the people working in Chicago are NOT nice to people (with the exception of the older security guard that chatted me up while I waited for my carry-on items to get scanned). It was disheartening to see how rude people are to each other here because I try not to have this negative perception of what all Americans are like because I don't like to judge or assume everyone is the same but unfortunately, through my travels in the last 6 months and the Americans that come into the pub I work at, most are not very pleasant. It's like they've been living a life where everything goes wrong in their lives and are annoyed when anyone talks to them. I will still continue to treat each person, no matter what their background is, with a positive attitude but this is what I've seen thus far. I should mention that the guys working at the fast-food place here in the Chicago Airport food court were quite pleasant…maybe a bit too friendly with their 'what can I get for you? you have beautiful eyes by-the-way.' or 'anything for you gorgeous'….a little much but better than an insult or rudeness! 

My trip back home was quick, as expected, but very enjoyable. It was so great to spend time with my family and friends and I thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit with me on such short notice. I didn't expect everyone to drop everything when I came home because I knew it was a surprise and I didn't give anyone the head's up but I do really appreciate the time spent together! Thanks to all my friends that came out for drinks last Thursday/Friday and I hope everyone had a great time - I know I did. Thank you to my parents for always spoiling me with the use of your vehicle so I could visit with others, your constant love and care and hosting the big famjam on Saturday - it was naturally a good feast prepared by all. I forgot how much fun Kelsey and I have on our playdates and I should have rested up better for it as she always seems to keep me on my toes. Thank you to my bff for always setting fun dates up for me/drinks with friends, being my shuttle to and from the airport and just for being you. I know that today was sad but before you know it, I'll be back for another visit and I'm really looking forward to you visiting me again and doing a bit of a tour around Europe with me. :) For those who I couldn't see, hopefully I will visit with you on my next visit. Nothing is definite but I'm hopefully looking to return back to Canada in just 6 weeks for a longer visit. I know, it sounds crazy but it's the best timing at this time of year because I can't really book much time off during the summer to come home as it's the busy season in Galway and I know that some of my family and friends are planning on visiting me in Ireland during the summer as it's the nicest time of year to visit. 

I think did everything on my list of 'things to do' when I was back home:
- had a lot of sushi (check)
- had a lot of Starbucks and Timmy Ho's coffee (check)
- ate Ken's French Fries (check)
- spent money on things I don't need with money I don't have - ie. Lulu's (check)
- caught up with friends in T-dot over pints (check)
- danced up a storm with friends and my shimmy'n partner (check)
- had a fun bff day (check - obvs)
- spent some quality time with my dad, mom, sis and the pup (check)
- picked up some Canadian snacks to bring back (check)
- spent time with my family over some country homecooking (check)
- playdate with Kelsey (check check)
- had Boar's Head wings/Cdn beer with Coopaloop (check)
- got my Rock Band fix (check)
- spent time with my G-ma and got a history lesson on our Irish/Scottish family (check)

I guess that's about it for now. Am I looking forward to going back to my life in Galway? Yes, but obviously leaving home again is not always a happy experience for me either. Knowing that I'll be visiting again soon and then people will be hopefully visiting me not too long from now either makes the trip back to Galway now a bit easier than the first time. Hopefully there will be no flight issues between now and when I land in Dublin and again with my 3-hr bus ride back to Galway. I'm sure I'll be back on the schedule at work for Wednesday and I'm even more sure that getting used to the time change will not be much fun either. Hopefully my manager will be nice and still give me St. Paddy's Day off (and the following day for recovery). My argument to him is that I will likely only live in Ireland once in my life and if I don't celebrate St. Paddy's day while I'm here - Irish-style - I'll never be able to forgive myself. He said 'Well, what about me? Shouldn't I get the day off?' and I of course said, 'um….you ARE Irish and have lived here your WHOLE life. That is the difference.' So - fingers crossed! 

Well, I guess I should go through security again and get to my gate. Going to let this traditional American meal (chilli cheese fries and Philly Steak sandwich) somewhat digest before I pop some Gravol into my system for this 8-hr flight….sigh. Sorry, Mom my options are kinda limited in terms of healthy things to eat in an American airport food court - but thanks for pumping me full of veggies and fruit before I left! 

I will try to blog again when I land but I imagine this will be posted once I get back in Galway due to lack of free Wifi access between now and then. Again, thanks to all my Canadian friends and family for the great visit. I will miss you all and I'll try to get back soon again for a longer visit. Until then…love life! 

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