Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tip #3 - Faith can be underrated

These last couple months have been trying that's for sure. My usual Irish Landreth luck is at full force or so it seems these days with the passport issues that resulted in canceling my best friend wknd in NYC (sorry Rim), the Jonny+me Boston trip (sorry Jonnyboy) and now the possibility of me delaying my departure flight by who knows how long. It seems like I'm never going to get to this goal I have been dreaming about for the last 5+ years but I know I will get there eventually. Maybe my flight will have to be delayed (fingers and toes crossed that it won't) but I KNOW I will get there even if I have to walk or swim! Listening to all the advice all my friends and family have been giving me throughout this whole ordeal has been keeping me somewhat sane but the one thing that keeps me going is FAITH. I know everything happens for a reason, I know that you just gotta roll with the punches but as I deal with this constant string of bad luck in my life (which seems to follow me around quite a bit I think), I know having faith in people, and myself and what is to happen in the future is what I have to lean on to keep me going.
Currently, my passport is sitting with the British High Commission and then is to be traveling to the Irish Embassy to also be stamped. They say after the Irish Embassy receives my passport it could take up to three weeks (yikes) till I get it back from them...did I mention my flight is less than 3 weeks away? So - I just have to sit and wait and pray and hope and just have faith that EVENTUALLY everything will work seems like that word pops up a lot in my vocabulary these days.

Till then...I would greatly appreciate you sending positive thoughts and keeping your fingers/toes crossed for me. I hope to have a positive update soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sis,

    Sounds like you're having a bit of a time with this thing :( Been there...

    6 or 7 years ago I had these grand plans to go to New Zealand on a resident permit, set up shop, and see what happened. I spent over a year doing paperwork, paying for visa's, getting medicals done, doing dragged on an on. Finally I gave up, said enough was enough and moved out to Vancouver instead. About a week after announcing my move to BC, my NZ residency permit got approved.

    So... I ended up in Vancouver for a Year, met a bunch of awesome people. Traveled much of western Canada before hopping a plane to go to NZ (Didn't want to let that permit expire). Three months of wandering and exploring NZ helped me realize that it didn't matter WHERE I lived my life, but HOW I lived life. Something I'm almost positive I wouldn't have uncovered as quickly without that detour to the west first.

    With that realization, a return to K-W for an indeterminate amount of time turned into meeting my beautiful wife (and her cool fam :p). Maybe my plans weren't as good as someone elses eh?

    So I guess the message here is that regardless of how awesome we think our plans are, SOMEONE may very well have a better one. Patience...we don't need to know all the why's and stuff now, but you can definitely trust there's a good reason for everything :)
