Sunday, November 13, 2011


Following my last-minute trip back to Ontario I had to get myself back into the work/Galway groove. I have been very blessed in life in the sense that I haven’t had to go through the mourning of losing a friend or family member very often so after Chelsea passed I didn’t really know how to cope. Being my typical self, I just occupied myself with work, friends, etc. but anytime my brain would have a minute to stop she was the first thing on my mind so I have to admit that the first few weeks was pretty tough. It still hasn’t really set in because I left just a few days after she had passed back to Galway and losing someone when you’re abroad extends the mourning period because, I still think she’s around because I don’t come back to Harrington everyday and not see her. Mom and Dad and Joc express how difficult it still is to grasp that she’s gone since she’s been that constant smiling face when you walk into the Landreth homestead. If I make it home for Christmas this year it will likely rush back all those sad feelings and such because Christmas morning was always complete with Chelsea sitting infront of the fire, covered in Christmas ribbons and eating her treats from her stocking.

But back in Galway it was only a couple weeks till Mom and Dad would arrive for their 3-week tour of Ireland. I was surprised that they wanted to come for that long because it’s quite a long time to spend in Ireland so once confirmed, I helped them plan the entire 3 weeks so they weren’t spending their whole time in Galway. Not that I didn’t want to see them but I doubt they would ever be back in Ireland so I wanted to ensure they saw as much as possible so their adventure included a couple days in Dublin, two wknds in Galway (during the Arts Festival and Race Week – two biggest wknds in Galway all year), road trip down to Cork, Kerry, Dingle, Killarney, a few days up at the North coast within Belfast, Bushmills and Giants Causeway and then ending the trip with a weekend together in Edinburgh, Scotland. July/August were likely the most busiest months for me with Mom and Dad visiting, Sam visiting for a few days (same day Mom and Dad arrived in Galway), Rachelle leaving (left the same weekend Mom, Dad and Sam visited) and then a few days after Mom and Dad left, cousin Katey arrived for almost a week after her couple weeks touring around Europe. I won’t go in specific detail of all visits but all in all it was great to have some familiar faces over on my side of the pond. It was great to have Sam visiting from Toronto. I balanced my first few days with Mom, Dad, and Sam visiting by spending time with the parents during the day and then showing Sam the nightlife in Galway. We even experienced our first Silent Disco together under the Big Top near NUIG campus and had an absolute blast. The next sunny day, I took Mom and Dad out to my favourite spot on the Longwalk in Galway and who should be there basking in the sun? Sam. Great minds think alike. J It was definitely great to have Sam there because with her laid-back and super flexible personality I felt that I could play Galway Tour Guide to my parents during the day and then unwind and grab a few casual drinks with Sam during the night. It was a great balance and loved each minute of it. Sam was just visiting for the weekend and even though it was a short visit I was happy she came but sad she had to go.
Neat-o robot/man @ Silent Disco
Sam in bliss @ Silent Disco

Mom and Dad seemed to enjoy their time and seeing that Mom and Dad are somewhat opposites I wanted to find them activities that would suit them each best. My boss at work was kind enough to arrange two rounds of golf for my Dad – one down near Kerry, which is one of Europe’s top 10 courses (top 5 in Ireland) and one small course just outside Galway in Salthill. Mom and I kept busy with ‘fascinator’ (hat) shopping for the Galway Races (very customary for women to get fancied up and go to the races and we had Carlee joining us which made it extra special). Mom and I also had tea for two at a very quaint tea shop in Galway and it was all decked out with doilies, antique tea cups, tea pots, scones, etc. It wouldn’t be a usual visit from Mom unless she cleaned the windows at my apartment either…haha. One special mom…that’s for sure. In Edinburgh we did the typical tourist things with the hop on-hop off bus tour, walked around New and Old town, visited Edinburgh castle, Holyrood Palace, and the Queen’s HM Yacht Britannia on our last day. My journey was complete with sushi at the Edinburgh airport before we flew back to Galway to say our farewells. We managed to squeeze lots of historic tours for Dad, Mother-Daughter time for Mom as I think that was her priority along with see the amazing Irish landscape and towns, and just get some overall quality family time in.
 Girly tea time with Momma
 Carlee and I @ the Galway Races with our 'fascinators'
 My hardworking mom cleaning my windows. Gotta love her!
 Parents walking through Leith Links, Scotland
 View of Edinburgh from top of Edinburgh Castle
 Parents walking through Holyrood Palace Gardens, Edinburgh
 Sad farewells at Dublin Airport
Mints we received @ Smokehouse Restaurant, Edinburgh :) 

A few days after Mom and Dad left, is when Katey arrived so I had a some time to catch up on some sleep and relax as being a tourguide can be very fulfilling but very exhausting. Katey was on the last leg of her European journey as she was in Paris, Amsterdam, and a couple other cities meeting up with old classmates from when she did a semester in Budapest a few years ago. She said it was one of the most chilled-out vacations she’s had in a while just because she was just sort of taking everything one day at a time and didn’t have any set plans. I was going to try and do a roadtrip with her down to the south coast or go up to the north coast but my finances were starting to get low and she said she was ok with just seeing the sights in Galway and maybe doing a couple tours when I’m away at work which sounded great to me. So, during her visit I just walked around the city with her, took her to some of my favourite pubs and made some homemade dinners using ingredients from the farmers market we visited on the weekend.
 Katey's first pint in Galway - Galway Hooker (local beer)
 And she finished her Guiness!
 Cousins @ Spanish Arch, Galway Ireland
 Katey's last night in Galway @ popular traditional Irish pub - Tis Coili

All in all it was a great summer since it was full of visitors and new sights and familiar faces but was also sad since it was full with some goodbyes from the amazing Canadian girls I had met at the beginning of my Irish adventure. I’ll save those stories for the next blog…

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