Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pop goes the Cork...with familiar faces.

Aside from the fact that this post comes almost 6 months late, I still wanted to post not only for my own sake but also to share with those whom didn't hear about our venture down to Cork to see some more of Ireland and also visit with some familiar faces - Amy and Marc. Marc was overseas 'staging' (french spelling?) which means he was interning in a couple upscale restaurants to add to his career experience as a new chef. If those reading don't know, Amy and Marc, they are two really great friends Jonny and I know from back in Ontario (Stratford specifically). They spent the first few months of their trip in Marseilles, France and then, ironically, the last couple of months in Cork, Ireland so what better reason to visit Cork, other than to see more of Ireland and visit the county in which my Great-Grandfather Calvert grew up?

Instead of renting a car like we did on our last trip, we decided to take the direct and inexpensive route via bus which was about 3 hours to the city centre from Galway. Unfortunately, with my small bladder, I was a bit nervous seeing Citylink didn't choose to provide washroom facilities on the bus and no stops along the way so I had to hydrate myself only in case of an emergency. The trip flew by and before we knew it, we were at our B&B just steps away from UCC (University of Cork) and reuniting with our friends, Marc and Amy. (Side note: they both actually came up to Galway a few weeks before we headed down to Cork to see what Galway was all about and had a grand ol' time - we showed Galway how the Stratfordites party)

Since we arrived around 930pm we settled in at the B&B and then headed over to Marc/Amy's shared flat where we met their flatmates and other new acquaintances. It was a mild night so had some good craic in their backyard and then ventured into the city centre for some pints and dancing at The Crane Lane pub which reminded me a cross between a Burlesque bar and a rock bar. We had some really great fun with our Stratfordites and their flatmate Marty which we nicknamed him 'Party-Marty' (he didn't like that one too much) and 'Marti-Gras'. :) The DJ was 'savage' as the Irish say with his cross between indie-rock remixes and beats and all in all we had a great time.
 backyard Stratford reunions
Party-Marty aka Marti-Gras got a bit crazy

Thankfully, we had great weather all weekend (sunny and 26 degrees - rare for Ireland in June) so Saturday, while Marc was working, Amy took us on a walking tour of Cork to see some of the sights. We ventured through the popular English Market where it's practically an extra-large version of a Farmers market and then some. Amy and Marc were treating us to a homemade supper that night so as Amy ventured around the market picking up ingredients for dinner, Jonny and I played tourist and took lots of pics and saw what each fresh food stand had to offer. Afterwards we kept walking around town and literally stumbled-upon a gospel choir singing in a small park just off a popular patio bar so many locals sat in the park and listened to them as the daytime drinkers enjoyed the live entertainment. We decided to take a break and sit on the grass and listen to the talent. Shortly later, a very generous man was walking around offering everyone large freezies to keep cool as we basked in the hot sun...couldn't get any better other than a friendly dog sat down next to me and kept me company.
 too much food...must get out @ English Market, Cork
stumbling-upon some great live entertainment in sunny downtown Cork

After much walking, Jonny and I decided to go back to the B&B for a short rest while Amy and Marc started to prepare dinner. We had roasted chicken with vegetables, potatoes and a fresh green salad and wine to accompany the delicious meal. Following dinner we decided to pass the time with a 'friendly' game of Euchre as our bellies digested. One game turned into 5 or 6 and before we knew it, it was after midnight. Since we pretty much polished off the refreshments, we decided to go to a pub for last call. Ironically on a Saturday night, it seemed like everything had closed down after 1am but we again stumbled-upon a pub that brought back memories to us fellow Stratfordites as it was called 'Classics'. Luckily, the atmosphere and decor was not exactly like the 'Classics' we knew in Stratford, ON but to be nostalgic, we decided to have a couple pints for last call on the small patio they had.
 last-call pints @ Classics, Cork not Stratford, ON
5-star meal made by Chef Marc, sous-chef Amy

Since Marc's vegetarian restaurant was closed on Sundays, we took advantage and did a new tourist adventure together and took the train out to Fota Island where there is a large zoo. All the animals pretty much roam wild which I was much in favour since the Toronto Zoo always depressed me with caged up animals. The layout of Fota Island was much like African Wild Safari back in Ontario and the non-threatening animals (kangeroos, birds, rabbits, etc.) were roaming the same paths as we were. Monkeys had their own private island with a large 'monkey gym' to keep them busy, giraffes, ostriches, zebras and antelope shared a big open field, cheetahs and the not-so-friendly species were behind fences but had acres of land to roam, and even the wide range of birds (flamingos, ducks, penguins, puffins, pelicans) were conversing with the guests or had their own private island to keep to themselves. All in all it was a great tourist location, even for the adults.
 up close & personal with Roo
 co-habitants - giraffe, zebra, & antelope
 Marc & Amy feed the birds...tuppence a bag
 Mr Pelican
Jonny speaks 'pelican'

Since it was a bank holiday weekend and Jonny and I both had Monday off, we decided to stay one more night and visit with our friends. We regrouped later that night and went for some late-night pints at another local pub in town. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the pub but I felt like I was drinking amongst the hipster-indie-poet-biochemist crowd. All in all, it was a great end to a great weekend and really neat to visit with some familiar faces.

taking advantage of 'last call'...we can do it Aimster!

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