Monday, October 11, 2010

Getting Organized...

Like most typical Irish people, Sundays are "recovery" days or good for relaxing and since the jetlag, time difference and my stubborn cold caught up with me, I decided to have a lazy day. The night before, my Irish friend, Gerald took me from pub to pub to experience the true Irish pubs and so we had a pint of Guiness at each place. We started out at Trinity College where they have a campus bar and you can get 4 tall cans of beer for 8 euro...not too bad. We went to about four pubs, including Mulligan's which is a very old pub and supposed to be the best place in Dublin to get a good pint of Guiness as their taps are super clean. They had 8 taps of Guiness alone and the pub has been featured in a lot of movies. We also went to a pub where it used to be a bank and it had super tall ceilings with beautiful wood work and design.

Today, I just slept in a bit as I had a bit of a restless sleep. I managed to get my iPhone unlocked to get a number and a pay-as-you-go card so employers can call me regarding jobs and such. I also booked a bus ticket and hostel for Thursday as I'm going to travel to Galway and attempt to find a couple jobs. The people at USIT said that I should be able to find some work as they are hiring for the upcoming Christmas season. So I'm hoping I can find a couple jobs in a pub or hostel or something. She said there are a couple Canadians working at the hostel I'm staying at so maybe I can chat up them about work and apartments. They also said I could store my heavy suitcase for free at their offices while I'm away so that's reassuring as I did NOT want to lug that thing around! So, I'll just put a week's worth of clothes and such in my backpack and away I go.

When speaking with another lone-traveler, I've noticed it's somewhat hard to form any stable friendships here as many people are coming and going (like myself) so I'm just chatting up with as many people as possible. I was invited to go to the USIT social on Wednesday night so maybe I'll meet some new travelers there. I think once I establish myself in a city with a job or two it will be easier to meet people and be more social.

So for the next couple of days I think I may do some free walking tours (free is the key word), go to the Guiness factory and just get things ready for my trip to Galway. Feeling unsettled is not a great feeling cuz I'm a planner and enjoy stability but I'm just taking it all in and working towards getting set-up somewhere very soon.

The weather is amazing here - clear, sunny and warm everyday and the forecast said it will be like this for a while so that's promising for sure. I've been told it's rare to have such nice weather so I'm trying to be outside as much as possible. I'll have another update soon!

Wishing all my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving. xo

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