Friday, October 1, 2010


Hi all,
So...just an update that I just received word this morning that my passport is safe and sound and I can pick it up on Monday from my travel agent. phhhhhewwww! So - no need to move my flight and I'll be departing my lovely country on Wednesday of next week just after 6pm. It's been a rollercoaster for sure throughout this entire process but I knew I would get to the end of it eventually. I just have to pack, get all my documents and book a hostel in Dublin for my arrival. I also have to drop off my beloved Trix (my awesome white VW Rabbit) and say my goodbyes to her. It's been a great ride (3+ years) with her - literally and she will always hold a special place in my heart and life as she was my official first car. So many memories with her - laughs, tears, breakups, roadtrips, etc. I think of her as a friend and yes, Rim - I now understand how your car can feel like your own child but I still won't caress and talk to my car like you do. :)
What else? Ah crew from Stratty (circa 2010) blindfolded me and took me out for a fun-filled girls' night in London the other night. Britt and JBurns took me to London to see little Coopaloop and we got all gussied up - Irish style - and hit the University town. The night ended with a potential for Coop, 4 medium pizzas and sleeping toe-to-toe with JBurns in the room of couches and the musical styling of Jess' grinding teeth (cringe).
My emotions have been all over the place lately - anxiety, excitement, stress, worried, nervous, more excitement, sadness, and most recent - super freaked out. Now that I KNOW I will be leaving on Wednesday, the feeling of being freaked out has settled in. Moving to a foreign place where I know no one, don't understand the geography of how to get around, no job, no place to live is a tad scary. I was the same way when I moved from Ottawa to Toronto and I figured it out...and I know I will figure out what is to come in my life in the upcoming 2 years....but it's a tad scary.

So - I am just going to keep myself busy with packing and visiting and getting stuff done and deal with my freakout when I land in Dublin. Just gotta take it one moment or day at a time and calm the nerves with a nice tall mug of Irish beer. :)

Until then my friends - keep fit and have fun. xo

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