Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Goodbye Canada...

Just a quick last post in my home country before I depart. I should be really sleeping as I'm trying to fight a bad cold and I want to get up early tomorrow to finish off any last minute packing and running around but oh well, I'll make this quick. Today I said goodbye to my first car - Trix - and it was rough. I didn't think I was that attached to my car till I was on the highway driving to the dealership and then all the memories I've had in the car came rushing into my head...crazy and cheesy but whatever. It was emotional and I'm not really an emotional person. I told the sales manager once I signed all the papers that if I could have driven my car to Ireland I totally would have rather did that than give my car back...but thus is life.
Typical me, I did all my packing this afternoon and I think I did a pretty good I pretty much have everything checked off my to-pack list. I had to pack, then re-pack, then re-pack again because I didn't want to bring a ton of stuff but I think I got it down to the bare minimum...I even cut my shoe selection down to two pairs of boots and flats...maybe I'll just have to see what type of shoe selection they have over there. :)
Lastly, tonight I had a great few family visits and went for a good Canadian (beef, obvs) dinner in town with my parents, sister and bro-in-law. My sis scored me some great Canadian apparel (THANKS JOC!) and other little special items. Thank you to all my friends and family that gave me gifts as it was completely unnecessary but I appreciate everything from the bottom of my heart. I will put all of it to good use, I'm sure. Last stop in town was to say goodbye to my crew (minus Coop, but you were there in spirit) and even though our time was short tonight I was glad I could give you all one last hug goodbye...until I see you soon!
Tomorrow is going to be a whirlwind of emotions and such with getting last-minute things done, visiting Grandma L and the long-awaited goodbye scene at the airport. Not looking forward to it as I know it's going to be really tough. This will be my last blog post till I land in Dublin likely but I promise to update you all as soon as I can find a wi-fi area!

Until then....farewell O Canada and thank you for all the well wishes from all my friends and family. I am truly, truly blessed to have you all in my life. xo

1 comment:

  1. Safe Travels Shannon. Enjoy the ride it will be amazing and its soemthing u talked bout since I met you! Next Bog ensure ur sitting at a pub in Ireland, shooting car bombs and sipping Guiness! It will help the creative juices flow...

